We have to make the difference in how this country manages our lives. “They” will not stop depriving black Americans of hope for the American dream, until we vote and become civically involved in our local government. Our vote is the thing they fear most.
Our race has largely failed to engage statewide and local participation. It could make all the difference”. This has become an effective strategy of the far-right wing. How we live at home is the issue that marches won’t fix.
I wrote this book from an everyday person’s perspective; I’m not a lawyer, but this book has taken me to school. Although law seemed too lofty a topic. black history is too entwined to ignore it. How laws affected us was too big, to stick my head in the sand and make no effort to relate. All aspects of the laws regarding blacks, have determined our life. We no longer have Black Codes, but we do have Black Laws.
Here is my take-away; This country deliberately created laws and judgements making it perfectly legal to diminish or kill every aspect of the quality of life for black people, continuously.
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Often when Federal enactments gave fairness and compassion towards us, State & Local laws gave denials. Even in the present day, states ignore or opposed what is Federally established.
In Part I of Black In the United States, we list Court Rulings. We stated that “Constitutional Rights & Laws regarding blacks have been reinterpreted, changed, set aside, and ignored” through the courts. In Colonial times, many of the laws that established our treatment began on the state level, and then became adopted by other states; establishing the Law-of-the-Land.
Case in point: presently we are watching the differences State Governors are making in politics and the quality of our lives.
Regarding justice, Governors appoint the judges. I would venture to say that the importance of their elections are on-a-par with Presidential races for office.
The easiest and most common area of denial, is what we call our Right to Vote. Governors have a huge impact.
The Electoral College (which was established to prevent dictators from election takeovers) has, and will continue to decide Presidential elections. You’re right, they are determined by the state, and have become a tool of far-right political agendas. This is an area where we have to fight more, and fight harder for our freedoms.
This is also my call to action. Until the judicial system is addressed, or balanced, our hopes for Justice through the Constitution can easily be thwarted.
In the Justice Chapter of the book, (Part I, pages 8-21) we list US Supreme Court Rulings about Slavery, Education, Voting, and Civil and Criminal conduct, regarding blacks.
Before any case can be considered by the United States Supreme Court (USSC), it usually comes by-way-of an appeal from the state courts,
By giving greater attention and support to candidates for State Governors (who are favorable to our causes). Its JUST US who can make this much-needed difference. WE can matter! Don’t let this be something you read now, and forget later. Exercise this right that they are trying to take away.
This is not news; future Governors, for future elections, needs greater attention from the black community.. Black In the United States shows the extent of our oppression through laws and rulings enacted to govern us. The Constitution deliberately left these concerns to the states because of economics, State edicts made their intentions LEGAL, which gave them the right to do ANYTHING & EVERYTHING. They have, in every aspect.
Mathew 12:25 KJV, tells us that a house divided cannot stand. There is no question in my mind that the U.S. is a house divided. This is the origin of my book’s acronym of “BI-US”.
If these statements rang any bells for you, please leave a comments Thanks, CW