We Fought Our Fate, For A Future
Rebellions against the status-quo for blacks, and rebellion for inclusion into the American dream. It helped to move the political pendulum towards center (which is now considered extreme left).
I have divided this century into approximate quarters:
The first quarter started out with the Street Car Boycott of 1905 – the Great EaThis century thquake of 1906 – WW I in 1914 – The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 (which ended the war) – lynching – massacres – and the beginning of the Great [black] Migrations North, and West.
The second quarter gave us the Great Stock Market Crash (there were several), WW II – segregation – Jim Crow’s return – The elimination of “separate but equal” (Brown v. Bd of ED).
The third quarter was marked by the Civil Rights Era, which gave us many heroes of the movement. They are individually listed in BI-US on pages 77-113. It was also a time of assassinations; Pres. JFK – MLK Jr. – Robert Kennedy – Fred Hampton – Malcom X. There were many organizations that were established to fight for future freedoms, along with FBI counter intelligence – riots – protests – marches – mutinies – the beginnings of police killings, – and the War In Vietnam.
The fourth quarter brought a growing awareness, and struggle for quality of life for blacks, Economic disparity was on the table; imprisonment; injustice; and legislation, were on the table; dismantled family life was on the table; and voting was still on the table. But we can’t rest on those achievements which can be legislated away.
Please share any of the blogs, thanks
CW Porter