A Scary ¼ Century
At last, we are addressing the 2000’s. The current political events of 2023 have been scary. Behind the scenes, things may be even worse. Each day, new revelations take us closer to the edge of the cliff. The driving forces of power, combined with money have been constantly malevolent for those without it. Extremists have grasped the seat of government, with a determination to rule.
Black people have a hand, that must be played for democracy to continue; by voting to make a difference. No one has asked or made any promises to us, but we can make a difference in whether white nationalism and far-right extremism win in 2024. It will matter for everyone, and be much worse for us, if they win. Too late, we have realized how they came to power, (by taking over local government and courts), and becoming a malignant force in state governments. A major directive has been, to decrease voting power for blacks, by any means possible. We have been like sleeping lions; it’s time to wake up, mark our territory, and roar.
Here are some of the things that have been scary for many in the first quarter of this century:
Y2K – 911 – Barack Obama’s Presidency – Hurricane Katrina – ICE – Dept of Homeland Security – Obama Care – Shelby v. Holder ruling reversing Civil Rights Act of 1965 – Black Lives Matter (police killings) – the Charleston, SC killing of 9 church members – 4 blood moons, and upheaval it foreshadowed with DT – Fair Sentencing Act – Hate Crimes Act; – The international George Floyd Marches, the Pandemic, – Gerrymandering – and Presidential criminal trials….need I say more?
My previous edition stopped with 2016. As DT’s presidency began, like many of you, I was concerned about safely finding my way through the political changes. Looking beyond the chaos and confusion, I wondered what his ulterior motives and objectives might be; until I happened upon this MSNBC program, which confirmed my beliefs, from similar information given in earlier years (what’s your reaction?)
Again, researching the laws enacted, has revealed many things that were not given proper attention, but have been felt. My updated history has included at least wo centuries more information. We began, at the beginning. What’s in the past, (and repeated) gives perspective for the future.
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CW Porter